
We will ship your item within 1-3 business days after receipt of payment, an individual custom order can take up to 1 month, and an advance payment of 50% -100% will be required

Please be sure that your shipping address is correct.

We send packages with registered mail. It takes about 10-20 business days to arrive worldwide (except - shipping to Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Central and South America can takes 20-40 days, please consider it).

ALL orders have delivery confirmation. I will provide the tracking number after shipping.

Also we can ship by the UPS (7-14 days), EMS (up to 14 days), FedEx (7-14 days, but wooden items can be detained by FedEx) please let me know in advance if you need fast delivery, it will be a separate charge for delivery.

When you purchase from our store, you do not pay taxes for your country or state here. You can pay it on the customs (applies to European countries, Britain and Canada), they will decide if it is needed.

You will be charged an additional tax on the customs, when order ships by the UPS (applies to Canada)